Woher kommst du, wohin gehst du?
Überlegungen zum Reisen

EN: Where Do You Come From, Where Are You Going?
Reflections On Travelling
Palermo and Lucerne 2022

Palermo's history is shaped by migration and the encounter of different cultures. Conversations with Malik, who came to Palermo from Gambia six years ago, resulted in a graphic research project in which the artist talks to people on Palermo's streets about their travelling habits and explores the questions of what motivates people to travel, in what ways this is possible, who has the right to travel and how attitudes about the topic differ. The recordings are collected in a publication, accompanied by a text that offers further insights into the artist's encounters and her working and thinking process.

The publication was part of the exhibition unsettling identities 2022 at Kunsthalle Luzern.

Original drawings: Ink on paper, publication: laser print, 29 x 40 cm

©2024 Adelina Lahr. All rights reserved.Kontakt: info.adelinalahr@gmx.ch